Univerzitet u Tuzli

stipendije za studente
dodiplomskog studija

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  • GRAZ UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL, June 29. - July 13. Open for all students, 6 ECTS credits, Courses can be recognized, Further information and details:
    The deadline for this Summer Schools has been extended until May 1st.  

  • Univerzitet Politecnico iz Torina dodjeljuje određen broj stipendija za strane studente za 3-godišnji dodiplomski studij na engleskom jeziku "Bachelor's Degree in Textile Engineering". Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je 10/05/2008. Detaljne informacije o školarini, kao i o načinu prezentacije zahtjeva naći ćete na http://international.polito.it 

  • Scholarship programme for students and graduates in Economics (preferred) and Law Deadline: submit the required documents by April 25th (receiving date) to the Office of International Relations at the University of Graz.   
    Paperwork (*.zip file)

  • GERMAN LANGUAGE COURSE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS Students of all academic subjects from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Macadonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and the Ukraine can apply for summer course scholarships. Application deadline at BAYHOST is May 15th, 2008. Scholarhips include tuition fees, housing and meals. You can get more information at http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/Einrichtungen/Bayhost/englisch/stipendien_e.shtml  

  • UNIVERZITET KEMI TORNIO-FINSKA- mogućnost obrazovanja stranih studenata (dodiplomsko i postdiplomsko obrazovanje na engleskom jeziku). Informacije o studijskim programima na engleskom jeziku, načinima i uvjetima apliciranja, rokovima i trajanju programa mogu se naći na web adresi: www.tokem.fi 

  •     ARHIVA                       01     02     03     04

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