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Tuzla, 19.04.2010.


University of Graz: Stipendium Program/Exchange Program "Best of South East"


- Za njemačku verziju obavještenja molimo pogledajte Best-of-South-East_dt_call_2010-11-extern.pdf i bibwww_bestofsoutheast_2010-2011.doc -

Graduates or students in economics or law at universities in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (F.Y.R.O.M.) or students at Austrian universities who come from one of these countries will be given the opportunity to complete a trainee program or internship at the Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank or in another Styrian business. Selected courses at the

University of Graz will round off the academic training and education of the students.

Both program options last a year (September – August):

- Graduates participating in the "Best of South-East” trainee program will also be given the possibility of extending their language skills in addition to their one-year training in the Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank or in another Styrian business as well as attending the selected courses.

- Students participating in the “Best of South-East” internship program are in the last third of their studies and will be given the opportunity of completing their studies at their home university during the one-year stay in Graz. The two-month internship in the summer after the end of the academic year gets the participants strongly involved in the daily business of the Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank at one of its locations in Styria or in the participants’ home countries.

Interested parties have to meet the following minimum requirements:

• Very good command of English and good command of German

• Native tongue: Slovenian, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin or Macedonian

• Degree in economics or law with very good marks

• Dedication, strong communications skills, flexibility, analytical and practical economic thinking

The total amount of financial aid per year and participant is a maximum of EUR 10,000 and specifically consists of the following services:

Provision of accommodation in one of the dormitories in Graz (single rooms)
EUR 300 spending money per month
A 50 percent subsidy for the obligatory student self-insurance with the „Gebietskrankenkasse” health insurance (equivalent to NHS).
Intensive language course or semester language course at the “Treffpunkt Sprachen” language centre of the University of Graz
Registration at the University of Graz
Tuition waiver for the University of Graz
Completed application documents must be sent only by post and no later than 23 April 2010. Additional details including the address and the Information and application package for exchange students for “Best of South-East” can be found in the attachments.


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