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Tuzla, 08.03.2010. g.


2010 Summer Fellowship Programs
in Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen


Humanity in Action is pleased to invite Bosnian university students and recent graduates to apply for the 2010 summer
fellowship programs in Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen.

The HIA Programs in Europe will run simultaneously from June 3 through July 4, 2010.

Intensive and demanding, the HIA summer fellowship programs bring together international groups of emerging minority
rights leaders to explore different national histories of discrimination and resistance, as well as examples of issues
affecting different minority groups today.

Each program is highly interdisciplinary, and features daily lectures and discussions with renowned academics, journalists, politicians, and activists. There is also a significant number of site visits to government agencies, non-profit and community organizations, museums, and memorials. The programs seek to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and highlight different models of action to remedy injustice.

Since the point of departure in most HIA programs is the
Holocaust and related issues of resistance and remembrance, HIA values immensely the participation of Bosnian Fellows—who bring an important perspective given Bosnia’s recent history of violence and war.

HIA Bosnian Fellows are expected to participate in the Bosnian Senior Fellows Association once the summer programs
end—and to sustain their engagement in the issues addressed during the fellowship.

The deadline for applications is April 5th, 2010.



Bosnian university students and recent graduates are welcome to apply, especially those committed to the promotion of human and minority rights, tolerance, and intercultural understanding.

You are eligible to apply if:

• You are a Bosnian university student (in your second semester of studies at least) or a recent graduate (no earlier than 2009)
• You are proficient in English and BHS
• You have high university credits/grades
• You possess strong communication skills
• You are knowledgeable about ongoing social, political, and transitional trends in the country (and issues related
to European Union accession)

Please note that short-term exchange students and doctoral students are not eligible to apply. HIA seeks applicants who
are mature, proactive, self-reliant, experienced in grassroots activism, and comfortable in intensive group activity and interaction. All majors and academic disciplines are encouraged to apply.

The date, time, and place for the interviews will be announced on the HIA website.



Admissions to the HIA summer fellowship programs is
extremely competitive. The first selection is made based on
the written application, which must include a curriculum
vitae, a personal statement, a response essay, and an action
project proposal. Please note that your application must be
submitted in English. You should give yourself enough time
to assemble all the required application materials before
the deadline. Make sure to check the application
instructions and guidelines for further instructions.
> Based on the written application, several candidates will
> be invited for a personal interview. During the interview,
> candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their
> communication skills, personality traits, and evidence of
> leadership potential and academic accomplishments preferably
> within Bosnian society.
> HIA does not discriminate on the grounds of race,
> ethnicity, religion, party affiliation, gender or sexual
> orientation.
> ________________________________
> Costs
> HIA covers the costs of accommodation, transportation,
> meals, and participation in program activities.
> ________________________________
> Program Details
> Although the American and the European Programs in Berlin
> and Warsaw all promote team research and debate on human
> rights and social justice in democratic societies, the scope
> and focus of these programs differ slightly.
> German Program in Berlin
> Program Dates: June 3rd through July 4th, 2010
> The German Program focuses on historical and contemporary
> human rights dilemmas in German society.
> During the first few weeks of the program, Fellows meet
> with academics, journalists, activists, elected officials,
> and recognized leaders in human rights organizations.
> In the second half of the program, Fellows develop a
> simulation game to be used in human rights education. An
> active learning process, the simulation game entails
> conducting extensive research in small international teams
> and engaging in role-play as a group. The larger aim of the
> simulation game is to understand the political and social
> dynamics underlying different conflict resolution
> strategies.
> Dutch Program in Amsterdam
> Program Dates: June 3rd through July 4th, 2010
> The starting point of the Dutch Program is the persecution
> of the Jewish population during World War II. There are
> subsequent discussions about political and social
> developments after the war, the ways in which Dutch society
> treated minorities after 1945, and more specifically, how it
> deals with minority populations today. Important areas of
> debate are slavery, colonialism, immigration, religion,
> international relations, Europe and the United States,
> refugees, racism, and xenophobia.
> During the first three weeks of the program, Fellows meet
> with recognized leaders in human rights organizations,
> politicians, diplomats, journalists, scholars, and artists.
> For the rest of the program, teams of two to three
> participants conduct research and write a report on a
> specific topic within the overall framework of the program.
> At the end of the program, all papers are presented before
> the group.
> Dutch Fellows will have the opportunity to participate in a
> follow-up program in Washington, DC, in January 2011.
> Interested Fellows will be required to fund their
> participation in this program, though funding may become
> available. The Dutch Program brings together 10 Fellows from
> American universities, 10 Fellows from Dutch universities
> and two Bosnian Fellows.
> ________________________________
> HIA Obligations and Opportunities: After the Fellowship
> Action Projects
> As a requirement of participation, Fellows are obligated to
> conduct a hands-on outreach initiative—an “Action
> Project”—in their home communities. The initiative
> should reflect the HIA fellowship experience. Upon
> successful completion, Fellows are invited to become Senior
> Fellows and to join the global HIA network of young
> advocates.
> Professional Fellowship Opportunities
> Every year, HIA places more than 50 Senior Fellows in
> professional fellowship programs and internships to provide
> practical experience working on human and minority rights.
> Over 230 Senior Fellows have completed HIA-sponsored
> internships since 1999. HIA professional fellowship
> opportunities include the United States Congress, the
> European Parliament, the International Criminal Tribunal for
> the former Yugoslavia, and a wide variety of grassroots and
> community organizations in San Francisco.
> Bosnian Senior Fellows Association
> The Bosnian Senior Fellows Association was founded in 2008
> and continues to be a growing and vibrant organization.
> Bosnian Senior Fellows were very active in 2009 and
> organized a number of events, including dinners hosted by
> the Danish and Dutch Ambassadors. In addition, Senior
> Fellows organized a program during the Sarajevo Film
> Festival, which included private screenings, lectures, and
> discussions with Bosnian activists. Bosnian Senior Fellows
> collaborate with one another in the implementation of their
> Action Projects, and are currently looking forward to
> welcoming new members to their association.
> There are similar Senior Fellows Associations in Bosnia and
> Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, and the
> United States. These Associations have developed over the
> years into a global network of almost 1000 Senior Fellows
> worldwide.

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