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Tuzla, 28.06.2010. god.



Bosnia and Herzegovina
Research Fellowship
For Undergraduate Students
(Call for Applications)

In the society of knowledge, education is the key to success and science is the magnet for economic development. The historic nations of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been tremendous sources of excellent talent but often short on resources and equal opportunities. Many ambitious students have exciting, creative research project ideas but no funding. Setting up an experiment, documenting history or building a prototype needs support. A student may want to visit another university to learn a new method. Unfortunately, lack of funding can block the very best ideas. The Undergraduate Research Fellowship is designed to bring new energies and funding opportunities to gifted students of Bosnian-Herzegovinian background.

Support for the Study of Sciences and Arts

Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) in partnership with the Forerunner Federation announces a fellowship program that offers research support for undergraduate students in all fields of study. Initially, the partnering organizations make a three year commitment to sponsor the annual Bosnia and Herzegovina Research Fellowships for Undergraduate Students.

The mission of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) is advancement and development of arts and sciences in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Diaspora in the United States and Canada, as well as building bridges of knowledge with the homeland.

The Forerunner Federation is committed to promoting competitive participation of underrepresented minority nations in advanced sciences and influential arts. The Federation advances inclusive society and cultural diversity by supporting regional development.

Fellowship Award

This Fellowship program is established to encourage undergraduate research in arts and sciences, directly related to Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is intended that about four undergraduate research fellowships will be competitively awarded for qualified undergraduate students in all fields of study. These fellowship grants provide short-term financial support, ranging from $500 to $1.000. The funds may be used for research and travel related expenses. It is anticipated that approximately four fellowship awards will be made, depending on submitted budgets, number of recipients and availability of funding. Out of four fellowships, two will be awarded to candidates currently living and studying in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and two to students with Bosnian-Herzegovinian background studying in the U.S. or Canada.

Eligibility Criteria

i. The competition is open to students of Bosnian-Herzegovinian background:

a. Students born and currently living in Bosnia and Herzegovina or

b. Students with Bosnian-Herzegovinian background studying in the U.S. or Canada

ii. Students enrolled in undergraduate program of an accredited, degree granting university or college

iii. Students who have a record of accomplishments and good support by teachers and/or community leaders.

The competition is open to all ethnic groups of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Women and historically underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.


The applications should be submitted in English or one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Complete applications should include:

1. Study/research plan, including budget (~3 pgs);

2. Completed application form;

3. Curriculum Vitae (European Union standard CV);

4. Written recommendation from a research mentor of a host institution;

5. One or more written recommendations from a teacher, former employer or community leader;

6. Grade reports from three recent years of school;

7. Proof of Bosnian-Herzegovinian background

Applications should be submitted electronically (see attached forms and technical guide). More information and application material available at: http://www.forerunnerfederation.org

Submission address: ffapplications@gmail.com

Submission deadline: midnight (Sarajevo time), September 1, 2010

Review and Selection

After competitive review of all eligible applications, the fellowship award recipients will be ranked by the International Fellowship Award Council jointly appointed by BHAAAS and the Forerunner Federation. The review will take about two months. Based on the recommendations of Fellowship Award Council, winners will be selected by a consensus of BHAAAS and the Forerunner Federation.

From Awards to Success

At the end of the research project, the awardees are required to provide short summary of their completed project, which will be published in BHAAAS quarterly web news and at the Forerunner Federation website. The letter should summarize the outcomes of the project, actual use of funds and, if appropriate, express appreciation for the difference made by the award in the recipients life. Photos of results of projects or funded work are optional but appreciated.

Thank you for your interest in our foundation.

Our website is: http://forerunnerfederation.org/

Our mailing address is:

Forerunner Federation
520 W. 21st Street
Unit G-2, PMB 119
Norfolk, VA 23517

© 2010 JU Univerzitet u Tuzli · Ul. Dr. Tihomila Markovica br.1· 75000 Tuzla · Bosna i Hercegovina
Telefon: +387 (0)35 30 05 00 · Telefax: +387 (0)35 30 05 47 · e-mail: rektorat@untz.ba· http://www.untz.ba