The University of
Tuzla and YSY Foundation (the Netherlands) cooperated
in different projects. One such project is International
Summer University (LJUT) which became well known in the
region. Every summer since 1996 students from Europe,
North America and Australia gather in Tuzla and participate
in various courses. It is worth noting that the number
of participants from BH universities is gradually increasing.
The first three year Summer University Tuzla was organized
by YSY and Tuzla University students and professors. Since
then, the University of Tuzla has entirely taken over
the implementation of the project.
As the name implies,
the Summer University is held in the summer, the month
of July every year, which coincides with the period when
the classes are over. Therefore, a number of students
can participate since their workload is significantly
lessened during this period.
LJUT has three objectives.
The first objective LJUT seeks to achieve is information
exchange. International experts in the field of medicine,
economy, linguistics, technical and natural sciences share
their knowledge and skills to the BH students, teaching
assistants, professors and experts. Another objective
is to create a network of international contacts which
will lead to new projects and initiatives. Finally, LJUT
aims to create a joint space for cooperation among the
students from BH and entire former Yugoslavia.
It is worth mentioning
that the crucial factor for successful development of
BH is to eliminate ethnic polarization. In order to achieve
this, the citizens need to be provided with the access
to unbiased information. On the other hand, individuals
or groups who want to be informed on situation in the
country should be presented with the opportunity to travel
and communicate with others. In the recent years, local
and international organizations have contributed significantly
to achieving this aim. LJUT is one of the examples which
provide opportunity for people to meet and exchange information
and experiences. The success of LJUT lies in the fact
that it gathers students from all BH universities which
is reflected in positive development of BH. All students,
regardless of the place they come from, have the same
needs and desires. They want to acquire good education
which will prepare them for their future careers.