



The sixteenth international summer school Ljetni Univerzitet Tuzla/ Summer University Tuzla (LJUT) will take place from June 29 to July 8, 2011. Ever since 1995 LJUT has gathered students, professors and experts from the country and abroad.

The number of participants in this event has increased gradually over the years, reflecting LJUT’s commitment to promoting cultural variety and scientific excellence. In addition to various courses, seminars, round tables, conferences and workshops organized within LJUT, which are of great significance to information exchange and knowledge accumulation, LJUT has managed to create a network of scholars who continue their cooperation even after the completion of this event.




Univerzitet u Tuzli
Ured za međuuniverzitetsku saradnju u zemlji i inostranstvu
Dr. Tihomila Markovića br. 1, 75 000 Tuzla
Tel: + 387 (0) 35 300 526
Tel/Fax: + 387 (0) 35 300 528

© 2002-2012 JU Univerzitet u Tuzli · Ul. Dr. Tihomila Markovica br.1· 75000 Tuzla · Bosna i Hercegovina
Telefon: +387 (0)35 30 05 00 · Telefax: +387 (0)35 30 05 47 · e-mail: rektorat@untz.ba· http://www.untz.ba
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