Ured za naučno-istraživački rad
E-mail: nir@untz.ba
Tuzla, 30.06.2010. god.
Announcement for the
3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental

First Call for Abstracts
3rd International
Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER-2011)
The International Conference
on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER-2011) is
being held in Hamilton, Canada, June 18-24, 2011.
The Canadian Organizing Committee extends a warm invitation to researchers,
educators, business representatives and policy experts from around
the world to hear and share the latest research in radioecology
and environmental radioactivity.
The call for abstracts
is now open and will close September 15, 2010.
Submit your abstract via the
ICRER-2011 website. Details are available at http://www.icrer.org.
Conference Topics
Radionuclides Speciation &
Ecological Transfer
Radiation Biology
Radioecological Sensitivity (including Arctic & Antarctic Environments)
Environmental Protection, Surveillance and Risk Management
Emergency Preparedness, Rehabilitation, and Management
NORM including Mines, Refineries, Conversion Facilities & non-nuclear
Radioactive Waste Management & Disposal
Radiation and Society
Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Endeavours
A quarter Century after Chernobyl
Tritium in the Environment
Nuclear Legacy
We encourage you to forward
this notice to your colleagues nationally and internationally, to
submit your abstracts, and to join us in Hamilton in June 2011.
ICRER 2011 offers the possibility
of publishing presented papers in Radioprotection.
Selected papers will also be published in a special of the Journal
of Environmental Radioactivity.
Information concerning
the conference can be found on the website (www.icrer.org)