Univerzitet u Tuzli

Research Activities

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The Faculty of Technology was founded in 1959 as the first higher education institution in Tuzla and first Faculty of Sarajevo University located outside Sarajevo. Based in a region with a long tradition in chemical industry, the Faculty has offered education in the framework of the existing basic industry units, allowing its students to keep pace with contemporary trends in development of technological solutions and processes. The results of such approach has been a number of scientific and specialized papers, reports, studies and projects to which the teaching staff of the Faculty made significant contribution. More than 700 papers, studies, projects, monographs, and articles written by professors and teaching assistants of the Faculty of Technology have been published in national and foreign journals. The Faculty has a long tradition in research activities ranging from basic to applied research.

The teaching staff expertise lies in the following research areas:

  • Solving process problems in chemical and food industry plants
  • Process of biofuel production (biodiesel, biogas)
  • Research, development and implementation of processes of clean production
  • Possibilities of producing biofuel from (natural and lab-grown) algae
  • Chemical and thermal recycling of polymer materials (glucose, hydrolysis, incineration)
  • Research and development on biomass energy use processes
  • Solid waste management
  • Research on heavy metals presence and content in water, soil and food
  • New food products (grains, fruit, vegetables, milk and meat-based food) research and development
  • Carbohydrates research and development (grains, flour, bread, pasta, chocolate, cookies, candy)
  • New technological processes in chemical and food industry
  • New processes in environmental protection
  • Research on aerobic composting processes in reactor and non-reactor systems, effects of various factors on process speed, modeling, simulation and optimization
  • Analysis, synthesis and design in technological processes
  • Process integration
  • Optimizing water and energy consumption in chemical and food industry processes

Research activities are carried out through implementation of projects supported by:

  • Doctoral dissertations and masters’ theses research carried out as a part of doctoral and masters’ studies
  • Research and development projects supported by the relevant business sectors (chemical and food industry)
  • Research and development projects supported by the Federal Ministry of Education Science and Culture (FMONK) Fund for Science
  • Research and development projects supported by the Cantonal Ministry of Education Science, Culture and Sport (MONKS TK) Fund for Science
  • Research and development projects supported by non-governmental organizations (WUS, Soros)
  • Research and development projects supported by EU funds (EUREKA, FP -7, TEMPUS, IPA...)
  • Research and development projects supported by European governments, resulting from bilateral cooperation in the field of science (Slovenia, Holland, Switzerland, Austria, USA, Germany)

Results of research activities are published in relevant indexed journals (CC, SCI indexes) (Biosystems Engineering, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Biodegradation, TTEM, Chemical Engineering Journal, AIChE Journal, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Acta alimentaria...), other relevant journals (Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus-ACS, Technologica Acta, Kemija u industriji/Chemistry in Industry, Hemijska industrija/Chemical Industry, Mljekarstvo/Dairy Industry...), referent conferences and congresses, doctoral dissertations (75 ) and masters’ theses (155).


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