Univerzitet u Tuzli

Research Activities

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The Faculty of Law was founded in 2004, following the decision of Tuzla Canton Government, as a member of the University of Tuzla. Due to its recent establishment, the Faculty, compared to other faculties, does not have a long and rich tradition in the field of research. However, the improvements in research activities are being made on daily basis, producing positive results. The research activities investigate the current theoretical and practical issues related to the fields of civil law, international law, state law, criminal law, national law, and other relevant disciplines.

Research activities focus on:

  • ongoing interaction with institutions involved in development of the legal system and engagement of students and professors in the process;

  • carrying out research projects with economy sector and local community, in partnership with organizations and/or institutions of the civil society

  • monitoring the objective needs of the society, public and private sectors, in accordance with the latest developments in the field of law;

  • encouraging all forms of cooperation and improvement in communication, starting with team work at the basic levels, to active engagement of students in development projects on second cycle studies;

  • starting up projects and programs relevant for judiciary and business sector, financed through international projects;

  • providing R&D services by providing consultancy to the business sector and local community on the implementation of the relevant rules and regulations and their practical improvement;

  • conducting analysis in connection to complex legal processes, judiciary, diplomatic and consulate services, foreign trade and other organizations.

Research activities are implemented through:

  • doctoral dissertation and master’s theses research conducted in master’s and doctoral studies

  • research projects related to local and regional economic development, legal institutions, public administration, civil rights and freedoms, environment protection and other relevant issues;

  • research projects supported by various institutions, organizations, and funds, such as: Federal Ministry of Education, Cantonal Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, science funds financed by EU, EU countries and the USA.


Results of research activities are published in international and national scientific and expert publications indexed in international data bases (EBSCO, ECONLIT), relevant conferences and congresses and master’s theses (12).



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