Univerzitet u Tuzli

Research Activities

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In accordance with the global changes happening in higher education and our society, the mission of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Tuzla comprises four basic functions, one of which is the area of research activities, including publishing activities.
Besides educating tomorrow’s scholars, researchers and professionals in the field of physical education and sports, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Tuzla is an institution which provides its services to professional and recreational athletes. Since we are the only institution of such type in the region (Tuzla Canton), we provide our services to all sports clubs and athletes involved in all types of organized, both professional and recreational sport activities in our canton.

Research activities of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Tuzla are carried out at the Faculty, in an equipped venue, and at the Sports Medicine Institute of the Health Care Center ‘Mustafa Mujbegovic’ in Tuzla, adequately equipped and with expert staff for diagnosing functional abilities and rehabilitation.

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Tuzla has equipment for testing and measuring morphological characteristics, motor abilities, and situational motor abilities of the examinees, postural status of the examinees. In addition, the Faculty is competent in planning and programming training processes and other related activities.

Since 2004 the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Tuzla has been publishing academic journal ‘Sport – naučni i praktični aspekti'. The journal is published biannually, and its intention is to enhance theoretical and practical knowledge in sports and kinesiology in general, and to enable all researches, scholars and professionals in the fields to promote their work and publish new knowledge in the field.

The journal publishes the papers divided in to several sections: sports biomechanics, testing and measuring in sports, training theory, methodology and statistics and research methods, sports for people with special needs, management and marketing in sports.

The journal has been published in English since 2008, and with abstracts in English and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian languages and has therefore developed into an international journal acknowledge in the region and abroad. In line with the aforementioned changes the title of the journal has been changed to ‘Sport Scientific and Practical Aspects'. The journal is edited by the journal management, international editorial board, consulting editors and reviewers’ board and section editors.

Results of research activities are published in relevant journals (Sports Scientific and Practical Aspects indexed in: COBISS BH, CAB Abstracts, Physical Physical Education Index, Genamics Journal Seek, Open J-Gate, EBSCO Sportdiscus, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Index, Index Copernicus, getCITED, Google Scholar Beta, Scirus, NewJour; Acta Kinesiologica - International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology indexed in: Thomson Web of Knowledge, OCLC, CAB Direct, CSA Illumina, Dimdi, OvidSP, EBSCO, ProQuest, Thomson End Note, Thoomson Reference Manager, Dialog, Datastar, Scirus, WorldCat, FirstSearch, NetLibrary, SilverPlatter, IndexCopernicus, COBIS BH, STN International, SAGE Collection, Google Scholar, Urlich's Web, NewJour, Open J-Gate; HOMOSPORTICUS indexed in: COBISS BH, Index Copernicus, EBSCOHost, SPORTdiscusTM with Full Text, SPONET, getCITED, CABI, Genamics, Journal Seek, NewJour, Open J-Gate, Urlichwe; published by Faculty of Sports and Physical Educaiton, University of Sarajevo; SPORTOLOGIA - Scientific Expert Journal of Anthropological Aspects of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation indexed in EBSCO Publishing Inc., Sportdsiscus Full Tex, Current Abstract; published by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sportsof the Banja Luka University; Serb Sports SCI, Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences indexed in: Index Copernicus, SCIndex, Sponet-sportscience on the net, DOAJ, OpenJ-Gate, published by Sports Academy Belgrade and Sports Science: International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology indexed in: CAB Abstracts. CAB Abstracts of Hygene and Communicable Diseases, CABI Global Health, Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), EBSCO SPORTDiscus with Full Text) and referent conferences and congresses (International Symposium “Sports and Health”, International Symposium “Sports, Tourism and Health”, International conference “Sports Achievements” and International kinesiology congress “New Technologies in Sports”.



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