Univerzitet u Tuzli

Research Activities

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The Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation has a rich tradition in carrying out research activities characterized by applied development research features and directed at providing new services to people with invalidity, as well as a social/inclusive model in national context, i.e. ensuring basic human rights through implementation of national and international documents on equality without discrimination.

Research activities and teaching staff expertise comprise the following areas:
Social position research and developing new services for:

  • Intellectually challenged/mentally retarded people
  • People with chronic illnesses and motility disturbances
  • Vision impaired people
  • Hearing impaired people
  • Language and speech impaired people
  • Behaviorally challenged people

Research activities are carried out through implementation of projects supported by:

  • Doctoral dissertations and masters’ theses research carried out as a part of doctoral and masters’ studies
  • Research and development projects supported by governmental (state level, federal and cantonal ministries) and non-governmental funds for science ( WUS)
  • Research and development projects supported by various organizations and funds such as EU and USA funds for science

Results of research activities are published in relevant indexed journals (Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, The Journal of International Social Research, US-China Education Review, Social reintegration, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Acta Medica Saliniana, Acta informatica medica, Health MED), conferences and congresses (2nd Congress fo Slovenian Logopedists with international participation, WCCES XIII World Congress comparative education societies “Living together: Education and intercultural dialogue, Sarajevo, September 3-7,2007, III ICEVI Balkan Conference “Transition of special education and rehabilitation- new possibilities, B.H. Jonsen (Ed.). (2005) Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies, Oslo Academic Press: Unipub forlag), doctoral dissertations (22) and masters' theses (42).



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