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Ured za naučno-istraživački rad
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Conventus Credo d.o.o.
J. Zerjavica 9, 10000 Croatia
Tel: + 385 1 4854 696
Fax: + 385 1 4854 580
GSM: + 385 98 669 995

Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the Croatian Orthopaedic and Traumatology Association (COTA) and European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow (SECEC) it is a great pleasure and honor to invite you to the second Shoulder International Course (SIC) which will be held in Zagreb on April 23-24, 2010.

The main goal of this Course is the education of young orthopaedic and traumatology surgeons from all around the Europe, with particular accent on those coming from Central and Eastern European countries. We have worked intensively and in close col­laboration with our invited speakers to build up very interesting program with highest quality.

The main subjects that will be covered by this Course are rotator cuff and fracture of the proximal humerus. We strongly believe that the program will give the participants a comprehensive section of the present state of mentioned subjects by covering his­tory taking, clinical examination, imaging, surgical techniques and postoperative rehabilitation. In addition to the program you will be also able to watch live surgery during this Course. On the first day will be arthroscopic rotator cuff, and on the second day the fracture case. During the lunch breaks, participants will have the chance to visit industry workshops. At the end of each day, through the series of case reports the participants will have the opportunity to discuss diagnostics, clinical examination and the choice of surgical procedures.

We hope that you will find time to explore Zagreb and have pleasant time in our city.

On behalf of Organizing Committee I wish you a very warm welcome to the second Shoulder International Course

Nikola Cicak, Course Chairman

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