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Tuzla, 07.06.2010. g.


3rd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research (EMUNI HE&R 2010)


EMUNI University invites you to participate in the 3rd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research (EMUNI HE&R 2010) with the topic Entrepreneurial Learning and the Role of Universities.

The Conference will take place in Portorož, Slovenia from 23 to 25 September 2010.
The main topics of the conference will be:

  • University/Enterprise Cooperation;
  • University Fund Raising and EU Projects;
  • The Role of Entrepreneurial Education in the Development of Priorities of the Euro-Mediterranean;
  • Lifelong Learning, Training and Education;
  • Increasing Employability of Graduates;
  • Recognition of Knowledge, Gained in Practice;
  • Learning Entrepreneurship in Different Cultural Environments;
  • National Higher Education Policy on Entrepreneurial Learning;
  • The Mediterranean Business Development Initiative.

Please note the important Deadlines:
E-registration and paper submission: through Conference website
Extended Abstract/Paper submission: 15 July 2010 - EXTENDED
Notification of acceptance: 30 July 2010
Final Paper submission: 31 August 2010

Paper Submission:
Upload your extended abstract or full paper to http://www.he-r.emuni.si/ by 15 July 2010.
Please note that submission is possible only through the EMUNI HE&R electronic submission system.
All extended abstracts and full papers are submitted to a double-blind review.
Only full-length papers accepted in the review process will be published in EMUNI HE&R Conference Proceedings in CD format. Authors of the best papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit their contributions to International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies and other relevant international journals.

For further details on the conference, please take a look at the conference web site http://www.he-r.emuni.si/.
You are kindly invited to propose the papers and to attend the conference, we also kindly ask you to disseminate the call to other possible interested participants or institutions.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any further information (he-r@emuni.si).

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

With kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud (EMUNI University)
Prof. Dr. Maria Amélia Martins-Louçao (University of Lisbon)
Prof. Dr. Touhami Abdouli (University of Sousse)
Prof. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca (Center EMUNI - Secretariat of EMUNI University)



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