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3rd Central European Congress of Surgery and
The 5th Croatian Congress of Surgery with international participation



Dear colleagues and friends,

It is a great pleasure and honor to invite you to the 3rd Central European Congress of surgery and the 5th Croatian Congress of surgery with international participation which will be held in Dubrovnik from April 28th to May 1st 2010. The
Congress events will include the international Norman Barrett Symposium 2010: “From refl ux to carcinoma”.

The main goal of these Congresses is the education of surgeons from all around the Europe. We have worked intensively and in close collaboration with all Central European scientifi c surgery committees and with our invited speakers, who are all leading experts in the fi eld of surgery, to build up a very interesting program of highest quality, which will bring a lot of knowledge especially for young doctors training in surgery. The scientifi c program will include state-of-the-art lectures, oral presentations, posters, multimedia sessions and satellite symposia.

We strongly believe that the program will give the participants a comprehensive section of the present state of mentioned subjects by covering history taking, clinical examination, imaging, surgical techniques and postoperative rehabilitation.

The Organizing Committee has chosen the Dubrovnik Palace hotel as the venue for the upcoming congress, as it is considered to be a top location for such a high-profi le Meeting.

Dubrovnik, one of the most beautiful cities in this part of Europe, is a dynamic and radiant city that features stunning architecture and a vibrant cultural life. You will have plenty of touring and shopping opportunities to take advantage
of in the city. Take time to wander through the Dubrovnik’s many historical landmarks and enjoy the grace of scenery. From Dubrovnik, you may travel and enjoy the rest of Croatia, which beholds extraordinarily beautiful nature not found in many, if any, other places in the world.

The Industry is also committed in their support of our meeting that will host a large exhibit area and many attractive opportunities to share their products and knowledge with the audience.

In addition to offi cial program these Congresses offer excellent opportunities to meet some old and make some new friends.

We invite you to visit the website regularly for the latest updates and news about the organization of the Congress.

On behalf of Organizing Committee I wish you a very warm welcome in Dubrovnik in 2010!

Prof. Božidar Župancic, M.D., Ph.D.
Congress President


3rd Central European Congress of Surgery 10



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