Ured prorektora za pitanja NIR-a
E-mail: nir@untz.ba
Call for application
for 12 PhD-scholarships at the 'Vienna School of
Governance' (ViGo), University of Vienna
The newly founded 'Vienna School of Governance'
is a graduate school established by the University of Vienna. It
focuses on a multi- disciplinary and multi-theoretical approach
to the study of modern governance within a comparative framework.
The faculty consists of specialists in policy analysis, researchers
concerned with the wider societal and cultural aspects of governance
and specialists in the fields of European, East Asian, and African
studies. The core faculty will be complemented by international
visiting professors and lecturers. This unique combination of expertise
and research capacities creates an attractive environment for students
who strive for academic excellence.
The 'Vienna School of Governance' offers a
research intensive three year PhD programme on a fulltime basis.
The call is now open for 12 positions for PhD-scholars starting
in October 2007. Deadline for receiving applications is
30 May 2007. Accepted research students will receive a
monthly scholarship and are freed from tuition. Students from all
countries of origin are eligible who hold a university degree (at
least equivalent to an international MA or
Austrian 'Magister'). Applicants have to provide proof of basic
knowledge of social science theory, methodology and governance issues
either by the particular university degree, specialization on such
topics within their studies or by complementary training (like summer
schools, university courses, etc.). The dissertation topic has to
be directly related to questions of governance within the above
mentioned framework and areas of study. For details concerning the
research programme, admission and selection procedures, please,
visit the graduate school's website at: http://vigo.univie.ac.at/.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Dieter Segert
Universität Wien
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7
Tel.: +43 (01) 4277 47722
Fax: +43 (01)4277 9477
e-Mail: dieter.segert@univie.ac.at