University of Tuzla

Office for Teaching and Students Issues

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Introduction of the subject "Demokracy and the human rights"

Supported by the Coordinate Committee for High Education, Civitas program "Demokracy and the human rights" is being implemented as a trial in this school year, on the most faculties of teaching in Bosnia Herzegovina. The University of Tuzla is represented by the Faculty of Philosophy in this trial.

Relieving the administrative duties for the students

In order to simplify the administrative duties of the students and the University, and in order to follow the exam passing continuously, the specific registration forms are being made as follows:
· new exam registration form
· registration form of the exams held for each subject
· registration form of the exams held for each department
· registration form of the exams held for each faculty
· registration form of the exams held for the University

Defining the proposals for organizing new studying departments and transformation of already existing studying departments on the faculties/academies of the University of Tuzla

The University of Tuzla started the iniciative for organizing new studying departments and transformation of already existing studying departments on the faculties/academies of the University of Tuzla in 2002/2003 school year, as follows:
Academy of Drama
· studying department : Direction
· studying department : Production

Faculty of Defectology
· studying ddepartment : Behavioral Disorders

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
· studying department : Communications

Faculty of Philosophy
· studying department : Turkish Language and Literature
· studying department : Social work
· studying department : Teacher Training School (tranformation of 2-year study into 4-year study)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
· studying department : Mechanotronics

Faculty of Technology
The sub-departments of the Chemical and Technological Department are being transformed into:
· studying department : Chemical Engineering
· studying department : Food Technology Engineering
· studying department : Ecological Engineering

Organizing of new faculties/schools
· Medical high school
· Faculty of Pharmacy

Suggestions of new curriculum for the university-degree studies

Based on the Conclusions of the University Senate, the iniciative for modifying the old curriculum is given.The modification of curriculum is going to be made in compliance with the Bologne and Lisboa declaration, especially concerning the lasting of studies and the Credit System. The commissions for suggestions of modifying the curriculum and adjusting the curriculum to the Credit System are already being formed.










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