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MA in International Business Informatics and in European Studies


- Call for Applications – Deadline 16 July 2005 -


The 4-semester postgraduate programme (with one semester at German universities or internship in enterprises in Germany) will start in October 2005 at the Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Centre (BRIE) in Ruse (BG) and Giurgiu (RO) for the fourth time.

All courses are offered in English and German by international professors. Summer schools cover the latest developments in the European Union and Economics. A limited number of scholarships  and reduced tuition fees are provided for students from South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro).


The interdisciplinary content of the programmes is designed according to the up-to-date requirements of the European higher education area to fit the competences of the European Affairs Professional and of the Business Informatics Professional. The degree holders have excellent career prospects Europe wide both at the public and the private sector.


The programme is sponsored by the German Foreign Office in the framework of the "Stability Pact for SEE" and private foundations and companies (e.g. Siemens, AG) via the German Rectors' Conference (www.hrk.de).


Application requirements:

- at least Bachelor Degree: in Social Sciences or Law (for European Studies) / in Economics, Informatics or Mathematics (for Business Informatics),

- good knowledge of English as prerequisite and at least intermediate knowledge of German,

- letter of recommendation from a university professor,

- letter of motivation for studying at BRIE,

- CV.


Master Degree is conferred by the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest and by University of Rousse. As a result of the successful accreditation of the MA of European Studies by the German Accreditation Agency ACQUIN (www.acquin.org), graduates can additionally award BRIE-certificate by the German or the Austrian partner university. MA of International Business Informatics is in the accreditation process. Results are expected for October 2005.


For further information and application forms:


European Studies


T: (+359 82) 825 667 or 825 662

F: (+359 82) 825 662

E-mail: brie-bg@ru.acad.bg

Homepage: http://www.brie.ru.acad.bg


International Business Informatics


T: (+40 21) 319 1921

F: (+40 21) 312 9549

E-mail: brie@ase.ro

Homepage: http://www.brie.ase.ro