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Ured za za međunarodnu i međuuniverzitetsku saradnju
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Tuzla, 04.03.2010.god.


Competitions for Scholarships for Bosnian candidates, offered by MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy

MIB is a Business School developing international educational programs of high quality, fully accredited and strongly oriented to the specific needs of the labor market, with impressive job placement percentage (96% - average 2007-8).

MIB is known as one of the best Business Schools in Italy, with a strong rooting in Europe and an effective operating ability in a worldwide dimension, attracting participants from different cultures and background. MIB offer ranges over MBAs, Masters of Science in Tourism, Insurance, Finance and Risk Management, Executive programs, specialization courses (accreditations: AMBA, EPAS EFMD, UN WTO, ASFOR).

All MBAs and postgraduate Masters are taught entirely in English, and today MIB campus hosts talented students from 60 different countries.

The rich School’s networks includes notable international associations and business schools partners, institutions and multinational companies. An international position that guarantees contacts, experiences and chances to all MIB students in terms of international internships and placement opportunities for participants aspiring to an international career.

The School is currently launching new editions of 3 full-time Masters in English:

  • XX edition of MBA in International Business (full-time & part-time editions)
  • XI edition of Master in Insurance & Risk Management
  • IX edition of International Master in Tourism & Leisure

You may find further information on the Programmes on the web site: www.mib.edu

MIB School of Management and its sponsor companies are developing a strong cooperation with some selected countries, chosen on the basis of companies’ business targets and labor market needs.

Today Bosnia is considered one of the target countries, for its geographical position, the high business potential and the high potential human capital.

Special Scholarships, offered by the School and the sponsor companies, are available for Bosnian talented Candidates, covering up to 100% of the masters’ fees (see attached Scholarship Competitions). Indeed every year a significant number of highly talented participants coming from Bosnia attend MIB programs.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the School Admissions Officer:
Barbara Sepic,
tel. +39 040 91 88 166,
e-mail: sepic@mib.edu

Ured za za međunarodnu i međuuniverzitetsku saradnju

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