Co-operation programme with
South Eastern Europe - Research and Higher Education 2000-2004
(The Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian Council
of Higher Education)|
Minutes from the Boshman session in Teslic, March 5-9, 2002
The first Boshman session held in Hotel Kardial, Teslic. Responsible
university; University of Banja Luka, Professor Zlatko Bundalo.
Participants arrived in the afternoon either by bus from Banja
Luka or by private arrangements directly to Hotel Kardial
in Teslic. After checking in dinner was served at 19, followed
by a short meeting where all participants introduced themselves
and were given information about the session.
Classes started at 9 in the morning and went on to 18:00,
with several short breaks and one-hour lunch break. The sessions
were divided into lectures, groupwork and plenary discussion.
Each lecture was limited to 45 minutes. The reading material
for the session was handed out during the first day and information
was given as to what articles are most relevant for this session.
Participants were encouraged to read as much as possible and
to be active in the groups and in plenary discussion. Some
participants were more comfortable with this than other, but
an effort was made to ask questions directly to participants
to ensure a full participation.
During Thursday participants were divided into four groups
which are to work together for the rest of the sessions. Anne
Welle-Strand informed how the groups were made and that assignments
and groupwork in the future is according to these four groups.
Anne Welle-Strand will be advisor for groups 2 and 4, whereas
Arild Tjeldvoll will be advisor for groups 1 and 3.
Group 1: Branka Sunjic, Senada Omazi, Damir
Hodzic, Edin Hadzikadunic
Group 2: Zeljka Kljajo, Selma Cipurkovic, Edin Begovic, Senad
Group 3: Ferijala Hercegovac, Djorde Cica, Marijana Svincicki,
Benjamin Vojnikovic, Dóra S. Sigurdardóttir
Group 4: Dzevdeta Zahirovic, Goran Radivojac, Vensada Okanovic,
Mersudin Avdigegovic, Nedzada Faginovic
Assignments for the time until the next session
in June are:
· A self-report on motivation for participation in the Boshman
seminars to be handed in by March 20th
· Individual assignment of maximum 15 pages to be handed in
to the advisor for comments by May 9 and then the final version
of the assignment my June 9. Each participant will present
his/her assignment during the session in Sarajevo in June.
List of paricipants:
A complete list of participants with emails, faxnumber or
phonenumbers will be given to each participant in March, once
the list is complete.
As the days passed discussions were more and more lively and
directed to each university with a comparison between the
universities or BiH compared to Norway. This was the topic
of the last lecture and discussion on Saturday morning.
The session was over at 12:00 on Saturday and
participants departed shortly after.