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Ured za za međunarodnu i međuuniverzitetsku saradnju
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Tuzla, 22.02.2010.g.


Call for Submissions of Proposals for University Courses


A call for submissions of proposals for university courses is open until 7th March 2010. The call is the kick-off of a new project initiated by ERSTE Foundation and implemented by WUS Austria. The aim is to encourage the development of new university courses in the fields of art history, cultural studies and cultural sciences.

Attached is the full text of the call in the attachment. For detailed information and to download the application documents please visit the website: www.wus-austria.org/patterns_lectures.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Sunday, 7 March 2010. Proposals are selected by an academic advisory panel.


Ured za međunarodnu saradnju


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