Tuzla, 13.09.2010. god.
October 6, 2010 - Conference / October 7, 2010 - Workshops
Sheraton Maslak Istanbul
October 6, 2010 - Conference
Opening Speach
Atilla Yildiztekin // Summit Chairman
Innovative Solutions in Supply Chain: A Successful Case Study
Joel Sutherland // Managing Director Center
for Value Chain Research Lehigh University, USA
This presentation will provide early results of an innovative collaborative
supply chain solution. Small to medium sized confectionery (i.e.
candy) companies must find ways to compete with industry giants
such as Nestle, Mars and Hershey in order to survive.
Cold Chain Application During Supply Chain
Altan Sekmen // Havi Lojistics Turkey Managing
This presentation will cover description of Cold Chain and the relation
with Food Safety System . Important and practical information related
to cold chain applications for supply chain processes (except production
and point of sale) will be discussed, From Social Responsibility
point of view and conclusion will be also considered
Communication of Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Models
Selami Yildirim // Business Network Solutions
Turkey / Managing Partner
For many organisations the pressure is increasing to reduce costs,
increase quality and shorten product development cycle times. Companies
are now rightly looking to heir supply base to help lower costs
and give them the competitive advantage they need to survive. Customer
Focus in Consumer Society, Information Pyramid, P&C concepts
in Changing Marketing, Create to Value Chain, Win-Win Formula and
the Long-term Cooperation Act, Theories, Strategic Management and
Process will be discussed.
Coffee Break
The Benefits of Electronic Reverse Auction - A Compelling Case for
its Use by Buyers and Suppliers
Shunmugham Pandian (Ph.D.) // University
Of Plymouth, UK
Global competition is daily forcing the companies to take decisions
faster and righter than ever. There are two things that leave the
manager sleepless; is the investment you undersigned going to live
up to your expectations ? Are your operations being executed with
maximum efficiency everyday ? The speaker will talk about simulation
technologies which are able to precisely show the future performance
of investments from today, and demonstrate optimization tools that
enables the execution of production and logistics processes continuously
with maximum profitability
Manage Your Supply Chain With Right Decisions. Can Simulation Show
You the Future? Can Optimization Decide For You?
Tolga Yanaşik // Dijitalis Software / Business
Development Manager
Are your operations being executed with maximum efficiency everyday
? The speaker will talk about simulation technologies which are
able to precisely show the future performance of investments from
today, and demonstrate optimization tools that enables the execution
of production and logistics processes continuously with maximum
Supply Chain Network Strategy
Hakan Yildiz (Ph.D.) // Michigan State University,
Being faced with continuous challenges to compete in today's marketplace,
companies need to create and maintain efficient, flexible and reliable
supply chains. Strategic supply chain design and analysis must consider
a wide range of alternatives with respect to facility locations,
capacity allocation, supplier selection, market allocation, cost-service
levels, constraints and risk factors. In this presentation, we will
look at some of these issues that are relevant for designing a good
supply chain network while considering important risk factors.
Lunch Time
Retail Logistics and Green Logistics
Ömer Baybars Tek (Ph.D.) // Yaşar University,
International Logistics Management Dept
This presentation willl take up the measures to be taken and preparations
to be made by retail organizations with respect to environment friendly
green retailing logistics. Also the leading implementations will
be touched upon and a descriptive situational analysis of Turkish
retailers will be discussed.
Planning and Optimizing Distribution Strategy by Analytic Methods
Thibault Quiviger // Founder of Enetek, France
This presentation is based on the business case of a medical device
manufacturer re engineering its distribution network in Asia. This
kind of problem can be symmetrically considered for sourcing networks,
it is just about reversing the flows...
This presentation will highlight how optimizing the location, number
of distribution centers and the product flows (which product from
which plant to which Dc) and can contribute to reduce inventories,
improve service level and improve parallel functions such as sales
forecast and customer support. But beyond the example, we will show
that a sourcing or distribution network is not a static organization
in fast growing markets but must evolve through different stages
depending on demand growth, customer requirements and relative costs
(transport vs inventory...
Emerging Trends in Supply Management: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
Ram Narasimhan (Ph.D.) // Michigan State
University, Director, USA
This presentation will cover some of the key emerging trends in
supply management including the need to manage knowledge flows,
cash flows and information flows. Supply Management has an unparalled
opportunity to deliver profits, growth and sustainability. The presentation
will underscore the multi-dimensionality of value creation in today's
corporate environment and supply management's role in it.
Coffee Break
Using Supply Chain Management for Competitive Advantage and Increased
Michael Hugos // Center for Innovation /
General Manager, UK
Examples from Mr. Hugos’s supply chain book and his work with Starbucks
Coffee and other companies.
E-Tender and E- Purchasing Applications in Supply Chains for Strategic
Ahmet Dalyan // Promena / General Manager
The E-Tender and E-Purchasing systems aim to provide added value
by creating competition within the scope of Strategic Purchasing
Projects that bring suppliers together in a transparent and fair
environment independent of geographical location, time zone, language
or currency. This presentation covers best practices to increase
productivity and transfer companies into an electronic environment
by replacing the traditional system of gathering quotes via fax,
email or delivery of proposals in writing.
Supplier Management and Evaluation
Carmen Molina // Achilles Group, Director,
Sustainable procurement services encompass everything from finding
and selecting potential suppliers, through to pre-qualifying, evaluating
and monitoring performance. Each of these is an important step towards
the continuous management of risk throughout the supply chain. This
presentation will cover the methods of suppliers management and
evaluation process.
Supppliers Selection, Evaluation and Auditing Process
Ayşe Büyükmizrak Özel // Novo Nordisk Saglik
The most critical decision for the companies choosing strategic
partners is the evaluation period of supplier selection. Correct
decisions may create a great advantage for the supply chains and
costs but wrong decisions may have a negative effect on the public
image and reputation of companies. For those reasons the selection
process is very critical. This presentation is the share of great
experience and will give us how to proceed during this critical
Closing and Evaluation of the Day
October 7, 2010 - Parallel Workshops
1. Workshop
Analytical Methods for Supply Chain Management
Hakan Yildiz (Ph.D.) // Michigan State University,
This workshop will help the attendees to develop
practical analytical and spreadsheet skills while introducing quantitative
modeling tools that are widely used to aid management decision making.
We will focus on structuring complex business decision problems
to make them tractable by systematically identifying alternatives,
objectives, constraints, and uncertainties, and quantifying the
relationships among them. We will use examples from different functional
areas of supply chain management.
2. Workshop
Are Your Safety Stocks Right Sized? How to
decide, based on experience or mathematics?
Real Methods Applied in Amazon and the Auchan
Thibault Quiviger // Founder of Enetek, France
The objective of this workshop is to help
attendees understand how transport costs, inventory costs (especially
safety stocks), products features and customer requirements interplay
when designing an optimal sourcing/distribution network. We will
start from the demand and demand variability for a full product
range of a given industry, analyze transport costs and inventory
costs (using the usual normal distribution for demand), attendees
will come down to a specific formula re computing the optimal number
of distribution centers based on the parameters of any specific
industry : value of products, average weight and volume, transport
costs, supply chain lead time vs service level required by customer
- delivery lead time and service time -... Out of this quantitative
formula, attendees will then compare the distribution strategies
of different industries, understand the evolution of specific players
in different industries (from heavy industries to electronics or
Internet based companies). Finally, they will imagine different
solutions to modify the driving parameters of their own industries
(product features, customer requirements...) and find relevant examples
in other industries which will have already implemented this kind
of solutions.
3. Workshop
Effective Communication
Effective Negotiation During Purchasing and
Selami Yildirim // Business Network Solutions
Turkey / Managing Partner
Individualistically, first of all reached
to ourselves, creating and improving awareness, obtaining a new
approaches and a new point of view. Our aims are; setting off common
interests in our business lives, with the people who is surrounding
us, by creating real empathy ‘’ flexibility of psychology ‘’ generating
notional approach which carries paradigms to selective perception.
Effective Communication / Effective Negotiation
During Purchasing and Sales , The Magic World of Communication,
Secrets of Geometry , 3 Basic Mission of Communication, Group Discussion
, Who is Who? (Individual workshop), Action Plan will be disscussed
Lunch Time
4. Workshop
Unlocking the Strategic Potential of Supply
Management: Lessons from Leading Edge Firms
Ram Narasimhan (Ph.D.) // Michigan State
University, Director, USA
The workshop will offer practical guidance
for practitioners based on the experiences of leading-edge firms.
It will cover four key areas of supply management: strategic cost
management, developing a risk management management system to assure
continuity of supply in global operations, setting up a performance
measurement system aligned with corporate strategy and current best
5. Workshop
Building Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage and Increased Profits
Michael Hugos // Center for Innovation /
General Manager, UK
See how to use supply chains to make your
company more competitive and increase the value of your products.
Most customers have needs that go beyond just the product alone.
Learn to identify those needs and how to deliver customized supply
chain services to meet customer needs. See how to build simple but
effective supply chain systems that turn products into timely solutions
for customer needs. Mr. Hugos uses specific case studies and techniques.
6. Workshop
Realising Sustainable Cost and Efficiency Gains Through Effective
Purchasing Strategies
Shunmugham Pandian (Ph.D.) // University
Of Plymouth, UK
This workshop will analyse and discuss these
innovative purchasing strategies with various case studies associated
with successful companies. The participation offers the purchasing
professionals a significant exposure and a new insight into understanding
the best practices adopted in other companies to realise the cost
and efficiency gains
Certificate Ceremony & Closing Cocktail
Participation Information
+90 216 4 229595(pbx)