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Ured za međunarodnu saradnju
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Tuzla, 26.02.2010.g.


Hessen International Summer Universities (ISU)
University of Marburg
July 27 - August 20, 2010


Topic: Peace and Conflict. Near and Middle East – A European Perspective.

The Near and Middle East is a direct neighbour of the European Union. Exceeding this geographical proximity, the two focal points of this year's summer university are united by a long mutual history and a present not without conflicts, including political and economic interests and mutual dependences.

The summer university will approach these issues from the angle of political sciences, sociology, and history as well as cultural and regional sciences. The ISU will thus profit from the skills and synergies of two scientific institutions at Marburg, the Center for Conflict Studies and the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies. Two representatives of these institutions are the academic directors of the ISU: Prof. Dr. Rachid Ouaissa and PD Dr. Johannes M. Becker.

The twelfth Hessen International Summer University (ISU) offers a summer study program with
• seminars in German and English on the main topic,
• German language courses,
• credits (ECTS points),
• an extensive cultural program with weekend excursions, evening lectures, parties and more.


Ured za međunarodnu saradnju


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