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Ured za za međunarodnu i međuuniverzitetsku saradnju
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Tuzla, 18.02.2010.g.



IMPALLA-International Master in Social Policy Analysis programme


IMPALLA is the International Master in Social Policy Analysis, organized jointly by the Research Centre CEPS/INSTEAD (G.D. of Luxembourg) and Leuven University (Belgium), in association with Tilburg University (The Netherlands), the University of Nancy II (France) and the University of Luxembourg (G.D. of Luxembourg).

Students that might profit from a high quality and research oriented master programme are encouraged to send in an application.

Additional information about the programme can be found in the attached Call for Applicants or web site http://soc.kuleuven.be/ceso/impalla/

Application deadline is June 15, 2010 for EEA citizens, and May 30, 2010 for other citizens.


Ured za međunarodnu saradnju


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