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International Journal of Sustainable Economy (IJSE)

(ISSN print: 1756-5804, ISSN online: 1756-5812 www.inderscience.com/ijse)

The International Journal of Sustainable Economy aims to address the exposed sustainability issues in the field of economic theory and analysis. The objective of IJSE is to publish research papers, which analyze all aspects of sustainable economic growth and development and it aims to offer researchers and professionals the opportunity to discuss the most demanding issues regarding the sustainable economy.

The International Journal of Sustainable Economy is listed in the:

· EconLit (http://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/journal_list.php),

· RePEc (http://ideas.repec.org/i/a.html#I),

· Handelsblatt Ranking VWL (http://www.handelsblatt.com/vwl-journals/),

· Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Economics and Finance 11th ed. (www.cabells.com),

· Scirus,

· Google Scholar,

· Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management,

and is accepted in many universities for credit towards tenure and promotion. You are kindly invited to view recent issues.

Papers are solicited that address these issues from an empirical and/or conceptual point of view. Possible topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

· analyses of (sustainable) relations between consumption, saving, production, employment, investment

· analyses of relation between economic and general social development

· business fluctuation and cycles

· econometric and mathematical modelling of sustainable economic processes, multiple or simultaneous equation models of (sustainable) economic growth and development

· economic system, economic growth and development

· enterprise development and sustainability

· environmental economy

· finance, finance institutions and corporative finance, banking sector performance in globalized financial markets

· globalization, international trade, sustainability and competitive advantages

· history of economic thought

· household behaviour

· industrial organization

· intercultural dialogue and sustainable development

· knowledge management and sustainability

· labour and demographic economics

· law and economics

· market structure and competition

· microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis of sustainable economic growth and development

· new institutional economics

· organizations behaviour

· public economics

· sustainable fiscal policy, monetary policy, money supply and credit

· sustainable strategic management, sustainable manufacturing and operations, innovation and sustainability, sustainable supply chain management, outsourcing and sustainability, sustainable quality

Manuscripts should be double-spaced and paginated throughout. All paper submissions must be submitted via email attachment in one single MS Word format file (any other format will not be processed) to me at egon.zizmond@fm-kp.si or egon.zizmond@guest.arnes.si. The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information: (1) Title of paper, (2) Name and complete address and email address of each author indicating the corresponding author, (3) Abstract of no more than 150 words, (4) Keywords, (5) Biographical notes of no more than 100 words for each author. Please check our web site at www.inderscience.com/ijse concerning the format, style, and guide to authors.

Submitted papers will receive an initial screening by the Editor-in-Chief before they are entered into the double-blind review process. Important screening criteria include fit with the mission of IJSE, significance of the research, and likelihood of moving forward acceptance in two rounds of review. Each paper submitted will be subject to high standards of double-blind review procedures at the IJSE.

Please also recommend to your library for subscription of the IJSE.

Dr. Egon Zizmond

Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Sustainable Economy www.inderscience.com/ijse

Professor of Economics, University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia

Programme Board, Management International Conference (MIC), November 24-27, 2010, Ankara, Turkey

Phone: +386 5 610 2001, Fax: +386 5 610 2015

Email: egon.zizmond@fm-kp.si; egon.zizmond@guest.arnes.si



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