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German intensive courses in Heidelberg, Germany


The Heidelberger Pädagogium is a non-profit language institute, which was founded by two high school teachers in 1969. It is located conveniently near the city centre and has evolved as one of the outstanding educational institutions in Heidelberg over the years. Our German courses offer effective learning and individual tutoring by experienced teachers in small groups of 5 to 13 participants, from alphabetization to preparation courses for the university entrance tests.

The Heidelberger Pädagogium is a licensed test center all our exams are recognized worldwide.

Course Structure:
Beginners I (Level A-1)
Beginners II (Level A-2)
Intermediate I (Level B-1)
Intermediate II (Level B-2)
Advanced (Level C-1)
Upper Advanced (Level C-2)
DSH (DSH: language certificate as entry requirement for German universities)
Upper Advanced plus

The courses comprise 80 contact lessons a month (4 lessons a day from 8.50 to 12.15). The course fees amount to 270,00 EUR for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced courses; the DSH and Upper Advanced plus courses are 290,00 EUR. Our course system is designed as to provide courses on all levels every month.

If necessary, we can offer accommodation in single rooms in students` apartments, which are reserved for our course participants. Rents are between 220,00 and 260,00 EUR including utilities.

International students who need a visa for the duration of their stay will be issued a certificate of attendance for the respective embassy.




© 2009 JU Univerzitet u Tuzli · Ul. Dr. Tihomila Markovica br.1 · 75000 Tuzla · Bosna i Hercegovina
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