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Tuzla, 31.03.2010.g.

Scholarship call European Forum Alpbach 2010

With "Construction and Reality" as its general theme in 2010, the European Forum Alpbach (19th August to 4th September) undertakes to analyse an omnipresent dichotomy. Whether it is in science, in the arts, in politics or in economics: humanity has always tried to understand the way that leads from a concept to its realisation, or to bridge the gap between the two.

The European Forum Alpbach 2010 will give its participants a choice of 14 one-week seminars which will analyse the manifold relationships between "Construction and Reality" in a variety of academic fields. The Alpbach Symposia will approach the topic offering a more practice-oriented vantage point. A plethora of panel discussions will give the opportunity to debate the most burning current issues in the fields of healthcare, technology, economics, international politics, space planning and financial markets. Summer Schools for European Law and Health Care, as well as a rich cultural agenda, complete the programme.

This international interdisciplinary conference offers an opportunity to enter into discussion with renowned personalities. In a unique atmosphere, experts from politics, business and academia will discuss burning issues with the participants. An extensive social programme gives participants the chance to continue debates outside the conference and seminar rooms.

To enable young people to share in this experience, scholarships are offered for students and recent graduates. Potential applicants are encouraged to apply for a scholarship. For more details about the scholarship program please have a look at the website http://www.alpbach.org/scholarships


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