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Tuzla, 12.07.2010.g.

International Conference on New Trends in Education
and Their Implications
Porto Bello Hotel Resort& SPA
11-13 November 2010
Antalya / Turkey


Dear colleagues,

In the first ICONTE new trends in education and their implications will be discussed. This conference is being convened to focus on developments, problems and solutions in educational sciences and become a forum for the educators to share their opinions. ICONTE is dedicated to the interdisciplinary studies in education and is hope to provide a variety of venues to bring invaluable information and researchers from different fields.

You are invited to submit abstract(s) for both paper and poster presentations. Moreover your contributions and innovative ideas will help us develop a conference panel.

We are expecting a lot of researchers from all over the world and from different disciplines to attend the conference during which around 300 uniqe studies will be discussed and more than 100 sessions will be held. The language of the Conference will be English and Turkish. Abstracts and full papers will be published separately. For more information, please visit conference web site at www.iconte.org

We would be honored with your valuable contribution and presence.
Yours sincerely,

In behalf of organizing committee

Prof. Dr. Zeki KAYA & Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY



© 2010 JU Univerzitet u Tuzli · Ul. Dr. Tihomila Markovica br.1· 75000 Tuzla · Bosna i Hercegovina
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