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Tuzla, 10.03.2010.g.



Call for Applications for the CEI FELLOWSHIP FOR WRITERS IN RESIDENCE for the year 2010

The CEI Fellowship for Writers in Residence is an award aimed at encouraging cross-border cooperation and promotion in the field of literature for young writers from Central European countries not yet part of the European Union. The fellowship is endowed with a cash award of EUR 5,000 for a three-month stay in any of the Central European Initiative Member States, selected by the candidate. The fellowship winner will be guest of the 25th Vilenica International Literary Festival which will take place from 1 to 5 September 2010 at various locations in Slovenia. At the opening of the festival the fellowship winner will be officially announced and presented at one of the festival events. The candidate is eligible for the fellowship from 1 September 2010 till 1 September 2011.

Applicants eligible for the fellowship are writers from all genres under 35 (born after 1975) from CEI Member States which are not part of the European Union (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine). The deadline for applications is 1 June 2010.

More information including the registration form can be found in the attached documents.


Ured za međunarodnu saradnju


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