Ured za međunarodnu saradnju
Tel. 035 300 526
Faks. 035 300 528
Dear Sirs;
On the name of the Organizing Committee I am pleased to announce
the 2nd National and 1st International Mediterranean Pediatric Nursing
Congress 16-19 November 2009 Ankara, Turkey
Information:Prof. Dr. Hicran Çavuşoglu, Head of Ankara Office of
Pediatric Nursing Association, Hacettepe University Faculty of Health
Science Nursing Department Ankara, Turkey. Tel:090 312 305 15 82
Website of the congress: www.impnc2009.org
Please visit congress website for registration and more detailed
General Information:
Congress language: Turkish and English with simultaneous translation
Congress venue: Hacettepe University Cultural
Center Ankara, Turkey
Expected number of participants: 400-450
Deadline for abstract submission:
July 15-2009
Deadline for discounted registration
fees: July 17- 2009
Topics: All aspects of pediatric nursing.
I would greatly appreciate the announcement of this congress in
your 2009 Calender.
With my best wishes.
Hicran Çavuşoglu
Co-President of Congress
sve dodatne informacije možete se obratiti Uredu za međunarodnu
suradnju, Univerziteta u Tuzli.