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Tuzla, 26.01.2011. god.



Školarine u sklopu Erasmus Mundus projekta Basileus III


Obavještavamo Vas da je otvoren novi poziv za podnošenje aplikacija za školarine u sklopu Erasmus Mundus projekta Basileus III.

Poziv je otvoren do 15. februara 2011. godine do 14.00 sati.

Ghent University is coordinating a mobility project for academic exchange between Western Balkan countries and the EU . The Basileus III project is funded by the European Commission in the frame of the ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2 programme.

With very attractive scholarships the project supports study and research mobility between universities and higher education institutions in Western Balkan countries and 8 EU partner universities.

There are scholarships available for Master, PhD and postdoc for students and researchers from non-partner universities, under a so called “Target Group 2”.

Candidates with Western Balkan nationality who did not spend more than 12 months in the last 5 years in a EU country, can apply to go on mobility to one of the following EU partner universities:

Ghent University (Belgium) – University of Nice (France) – University of Lund (Sweden) – University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) - University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)

ATEI Thessaloniki (Greece) – University of Heidelberg (Germany) – University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)

Currently there is a call for applications open until 15 February 2011, 14.00h. Find out more detailed information on the project and the online application procedure at www.basileus.ugent.be . There are guidelines for applicants available.



Ured za međunarodnu saradnju