University of Tuzla




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  • Academy of Drama
    Prof. dr. Vlado Kerošević – dean

    department: acting, production

    ZAVNOBiH br.2, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone/Fax.: 00387 (0)35 277 690

  • Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation
    Ass. Prof. Zamir Mrkonjić - dean

    majors: logopedia and surdoaudology, education and rehabilitation,
    behaviourial disorder
    Univerzitetska 1, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00387 (0)35 320 666, Fax: 320 660

  • Faculty of Economy
    Assoc. Prof. Safet Kozarević - dean

    departments: marketing; finances and accounting; finances, banking and inssurance; management; economic theory and policy
    Univerzitetska 8, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00387 (0)35 320 820, Fax.: 320 821

    Bussines School
    (three years study) at Faculty of Economics
    department: marketing, accounting and finances, management and enterpreneurship

  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering
    Assoc. Prof. Amir Tokić - dean

    departments:power engineering, technical computer science, comunications

    Franjevačka 2, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00 387 (0)35 259 600, Fax.: 259 617

  • Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
    Prof. dr. Branimir Mikić - dean

    Muharema Fizovića Fiska 6, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone/Fax.: 00387 (0)35 251 583

  • Faculty of Pharmacy
    Prof. dr. Lejla Begić - dean

    Univerzitetska 1, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00387 (0)35 320 639

  • Faculty of Philosophy
    Ass. Prof. Bego Omerčević - dean

    Four years study
    departments: bosnian language and literature,
    history, pedagogy- psihology,journalism, social work
    foreign languages /english language and literature, german language and literature, turkish language and literature/

    Two years study
    departments: teacher training school,
    technical education and informatics

    Muharema Fizovića Fiska 6, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00387 (0)35 306 330, 306 331, Fax.: 306 332

  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    Ass. Prof. Muhamed Mehmedović - dean

    departments: power mechanical engineering, manufacturing mechanical engineering, mehatronics

    Univerzitetska 8, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone/Fax.: 00 387 (0)35 320 900, 320 920

  • Faculty of Medicine
    Assoc. Prof. Farid Ljuca - dean

    Six years study

    Univerzitetska 1, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00387 (0)35 320 600 Fax.:320 601

    Medical School
    Four years study

    Univerzitetska 1, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00387 (0)35 320 600 Fax.:320 601

  • Faculty of Law
    Assoc. Prof. Hajro Kofrc - dean

    Muhameda Hevaija-Uskufija 7, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone/Fax.: 00387 (0)35 250 657, 250 658

  • Faculty of Science
    Prof. dr. Rifet Terzić - dean

    departments:biology, mathematics,physics, geography,chemistry

    Muharema Fizovića Fiska 6, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone/Fax.: Tel.: 00387 (0)35 320 860, 320 900, Fax.:320 861

  • Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering
    Prof. dr. Kemal Gutić - acting dean

    departments: mining, geology, civil engineering,
    drilling and well engineering, study safety and health engineering

    Univerzitetska 2, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00 387 (0)35 320 550, 320 570, Fax: 320 570

  • Faculty of Technology
    Ass. Prof. Amra Odobašić - dean

    departments:-food technology
    -chemical-technology /majors: chemical engineering, ,ecological engineering/,
    -environmental protection

    Univerzitetska 8, 75 000 Tuzla
    Phone: 00387 (0)35 320 740, 320 750, Fax.:320 741
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