Univerzitet u Tuzli

about the university


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Tuzla University, containing 42 study profiles organizes and realizes teaching-scientific process at undergraduate and postgraduate level of the study at nine faculties containing around 15000 students. 500 teachers and associates employed at the University and 237 teachers and associates as outside collaborators are participating in the teaching-scientific process. In addition to this number, 200 associates are employed at this University doing expert, administration-technical and auxiliary jobs.
28 years of development of university education and science-research institutions preceded forming of the University of Tuzla.
During 60s high schools, colleges and institutions for science-research activities have been formed in Tuzla as a result of economic and social needs and determinations of environment on connecting education and economy: Two-year college of mining established in 1958 and Faculty of Technology in 1959 as a first faculty outside the Sarajevo university. Mining School developed into a Faculty of mining in 1960, and the same year Two-year College of education started working. In 1961 in Brcko, Two-year college of Economy and Commerce started with work.

Further development of university education in Northeastern Bosnia was dictated by needs and dynamics of economic and social development of the region. In the same rhythm Two-years colleges transformed into faculties, faculties and institutions were founded and new economic fields have been developed. Two-year college of education transformed into Teachers' college in 1969, Two-year college of Economy and Commerce into Faculty of Economy in 1976. School of Electrical Engineering was organized as a separate organizational entity of Sarajevo University in 1972. Turning point in development of university education in the region was the founding of the Faculty of Medicine in 1976. That was the turning point when the area of multi-branching was entered stepping further away from the mostly technical proliferation. Founding of the university had become a necessity; not only to continue the development of the university education but to ensure further cultural and social transformation of one of the most densely populated regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The founding was preceded by constructing of the Association of university education and science-research institutions of Northeast Bosnia in 1972, and Consortium for development of higher and university education and science-research work in Tuzla.

Faculty of technology in Tuzla, Faculty of mining in Tuzla, the Institute for mining and chemical-technological research Tuzla, Teachers' college Tuzla, Two-year college of Economy and Commerce Brcko and Federal centre for education and protection in industry and mining in Tuzla joined the Association. Later, Department of Music Academy and Faculty of Electrical Engineering from Sarajevo located in Tuzla joined the Association.
Agreement on University association was signed on November 18th 1976 in Sarajevo, and the celebration of beginning of work was held December 18th in Tuzla.


Today, JU University of Tuzla has 13 faculties as its parts (Special-education teachers college, Faculty of Economy, Electrical Engineering, Philosophical College, Faculty of Sport, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mining-Geological-Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Phamracy) and the Academy of Drama.
Tuzla University has a very developed cooperation with universities and other institutions branching in university education inside the country as well as abroad. International cooperation of the Tuzla University so far and the achieved results in many international projects clearly show our determination to further improve the University in accord with European programs and standards.
© 2008 J.U. Univerzitet u Tuzli · Ul. Dr. Tihomila Markovica br.1 · 75000 Tuzla · Bosna i Hercegovina
Telefon: +387 (0)35 30 05 00, 30 05 26 · Telefax: +387 (0)35 30 05 47 · e-mail: rektorat@untz.ba· http://www.untz.ba